Pillow Talk
Mindful Sleep
With decades of experience in the luxury hotel industry, our founder, Armella Stepan, knows a thing or two about bedding. She conceived the INTENTIONS brand while coping with post-traumatic stress after a medical mishap almost claimed her life. Armella personally interviewed over 30 top neuroscientists, psychologists and yogis in the U.S. to understand the keys to relaxation. She learned that these keys include being able to refocus our senses using visualization, specific words and, most importantly, breath work. The combination of these allow the mind and body to prepare for relaxation and sleep.
Coupling this research with Armella’s expertise as a luxury hotelier, With a Net developed a line of bedding for the hospitality industry that serves as a relaxing amenity for guests while at the same time helps to improve their sleep experience.
With a Net also developed a more affordably-priced line for the healthcare industry in order to bring a more healing sleep experience to patients in hospitals. The Caritas Suites at St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica for three years have gifted their patients a custom ‘Restful INTENTIONS’ throw blanket and has provided a card with relaxation exercises at the bedside that a patient can do themselves. In addition, through Volunteers of America, INTENTIONS has contributed education and resources to a facility in Los Angeles that houses veterans returning from war who are suffering from PTSD and other traumas and are not ready to go home to their families.
For more information, go to IntentionsLinens.

“Better than a meaningless story of a thousand words is a single word of deep meaning which, when heard, produces peace.”
— Buddha